Dumb Information

Dumb Information Nation Revolution

A recent Huffington Post article reveals a churning in the waters of America, a possible Wingnut Revolution in the making as super rich citizens are irate at the new political situation. Doomsday scenarios explained as to who and how the takeover is spelled out, as what is going on in Washington is not the answer. Huffington Post did not receive the memo, put out world wide April 11th 2008; it’s not the Wingnut Revolution, it’s the Dumb Information Nation.
This time, individuals from all parties will unite in the fight against stupidity and greed, the fight to rid the world of hatred and incompetence; it’s not a one sided bashing whether Republican, Democrat, or Independent. The simple thought process that maybe not benefiting me as an individual, it will benefit the masses that stand before and around me.
We do not have to agree on everything out there, but we do have to live together, and no matter who was behind the collapse of this nation, we are all in it together, win or lose (I for one am in it to win it, no matter who I call my Commander-in-Chief, because after all, if I win it, I win it). The recession is not discriminating while washing over the lower and middle class, it chooses no sides. I am not going to lose sleep or divert focus because the gentlemen down the street believes that all criminals regardless of the offense should die of natural causes; there is bigger and more dire concerns at hand.
Simple yet effective thoughts and ideas will get us through the toughest of times, the KISS method if you will.
Keep It Simple Stupid, because all of you have to agree, sometimes ignorance is bliss

Molotov Cocktail

Posted in Bailout, Dumbass, oil, rant, Stimulus Plan, Tax by Chop on 24 February 2009

A recent article from a Berkeley, California genius claims that the United States should act now on the impending oil crisis of the future, raising gas prices to an across the board minimum of at least $4 per gallon to help wean us from the dependency on oil. If the fair market price of oil was for arguments sake $1.50 per gallon, then the government would pocket $2.50 to store away into a slush fund to pay for mass transit projects, stimulus packages, and bailed out mortgage company parties hosted by Nickelback.
“Consumers will gripe, but they’ll soon find solace in the reliable, affordable buses and trains they’ll ride when gas prices soar beyond reach. For low-income individuals who would truly suffer as a result of such a policy, a payroll tax offset or refundable tax credit can ease the burden,” the article states to sooth our fear of having to sit next to some serial killer on the subway.
Hey college grad genius, I am not in the low-income bracket, and seriously felt the pinch of nearly $4 per gallon of gas when the oil companies were sticking it up my family’s tailpipe. But because I slave for a six figure income, I will not be eligible for a tax offset to ease my pain.
I am tired of carrying the less fortunate with my tax dollars, which by the way keep getting increased on what seems like an hourly basis now. I struggled through high school, struggled through my early 20’s, and worked my nuts off to get to where I am at, with every other individual having either the same chances if not better to get to where I am at, and have to sit back and carry them to financial independence, all the while allowing you the severely over-educated to impose domestic working man tariffs so that you can move closer to your political goals of oil independence or toilet paper independence.
Well, here it is. I, the working man of the United States, say stick the minimum gas price and meter in my car tax for every mile driven and whatever else you want to stick my paycheck tax and shove it up your tailpipe. Just when we see some light at the end of the tunnel, you go and turn it off, just to turn it on when we are down and out, and when we have hope again, you turn it off. The extra $400 in my pocket to help stimulate the economy will buy me about five tanks of gas, helping only the already rich oil companies and distributors. If that kind of education is what a college degree gets you, I want no part of it.


From Microsoft to Malaria

Posted in Africa, disease, Hall of Fame, Health, Mainstream Media, Medical, Welfare by Chop on 5 February 2009

Bill Gates, entrepreneur, philanthropist, and Microsoft co-founder, now has something else to add to his absolutely brilliant resume; the ability to get rid of mind numbing reporters quicker than any politician in the history of the modern Media.

Gates let loose a swarm of mosquitoes, unfortunately not the deadly kind found in the heart of the African continent, during a conference in Long Beach, California.

His point to the madness was to bring a heightened awareness to the deadly disease malaria, mostly uncontrollable in third world countries and most countries in Africa.

“I brought some.  Here, Ill let them roam around.

There is no reason only poor people should be infected,” a Yahoo news report quoted him as saying.

“There is more money put into baldness drugs than into malaria,” Gates
quipped, triggering laughter.

“Now, baldness is a terrible thing and rich men are afflicted.

That is why that priority has been set,” continued the Yahoo report.

Gates co-founded Microsoft Corporation with Paul Allen in 1975, eventually taking over the entire company after and fight with Hodgkin’s disease forced Allen out.

During his Microsoft CEO run, Gates obtained the honor of being tagged the worlds richest man for an astounding 15 consecutive years.

Gates bowed out of full time work with Microsoft in 2006 to devote more time to his own Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, assisting worldwide to fight extreme poverty and to enhance much needed healthcare.

Bill, I have about $3.28 in my pocket, but fortunately have the power of the pen, or in this case the keyboard.

DI plans to join in this fight to eradicate this and many other diseases worldwide.

With hope comes a better future for all of us.